Consulting Services

Steve Randels consults with organizations seeking to incorporate conflict resolution practices and policies into their internal procedures and to improve their participation in mediations. Following are some examples of his services as a consultant:

  • From 2000–2007, collaborated with the Mediation Clinic of the UW School of Law to establish a cooperating agreement with the EEOC and the clinic for law students to convene and co-mediate pending EEOC complaints with law school faculty and EEOC mediators.
  • September 21, 2007, consulted with the Washington State Bar Association (WSBA) in Seattle, WA, as co-chair/planner of "Emerging Trends in Dispute Resolution," featuring Thomas Stipanowich, Academic Director of the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution and Professor of Law at Pepperdine University School of Law and a panel of distinguished authorities, a CLE program co-sponsored by the WSBA’s ADR Section.
  • In 2007, consulted with the City of Seattle’s Human Rights Commission regarding the implementation of an ADR program as an option for managing that agency’s pending discrimination complaints.
  • February 23, 2007, consulted with the Seattle office of the Jackson Lewis law firm to provide training to 140 of the firm’s business clients that included a discussion of the advantages of mediation and participation in a mock mediation demonstration.
  • September 15, 2006, consulted with the WSBA in Seattle, WA, as co-chair/planner of "Can You Hear Me Now? What Mediators, Arbitrators, and Litigators Really Want to Say to Each Other,” a CLE program co-sponsored by the WSBA’s ADR section.
  • In 2006, consulted with the Civil Rights Division of the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries regarding the implementation an ADR program as an option for managing that agency’s pending discrimination complaints.
  • October 2005, consulted with Washington Mutual Bank’s Employee Relations Department in Seattle, WA, to provide training for human resources managers from offices across the country on more effective participation in mediations of workplace disputes.
  • In 2005, consulted with the Washington State Human Rights Commission regarding the implementation an ADR program as an option for managing that agency’s pending discrimination complaints.